Tuesday, November 25, 2008

what i'm thankful for...

we are going to be out of town for thanksgiving- so i thought that i would post a few things that i am thankful for this year...

in no particular order

- my kids nap time- i couldn't live without my daily "me" time from 1-3:30 or 4 and sometimes 5

- my AMAZING husband- i still LIKE him- yup LIKE him as well as love him- he is hilarious!

- my house, messy as it may be, i love every square inch of it- even the one that collects all the dog hair

- i am thankful for the nights that gracie and bubba DON'T sleep with us- oh how they hog the bed!

- i am thankful for my family- all of my family, from my side to chris' i love them all

- my DVR- i couldn't tell you when the last time i watched a commercial

- that it is almost a new year- i love new-

- i am thankful that i have managed to keep off the 25 pounds that i lost sometime back in may/june/july-- i will NEVER see them again!

- my sweet baby girl who tells me all the time that i am the best mommy ever- really??? thanks baby!

- my never slow moving fisher- oh what a spark he has added to my life!

- my neighbors- who would have thought that we would have some of the best friends that we have ever known move in from a different country- and click with us--

- that my sister is happy- the changes that she has made and the leaps of faith she has taken- i hope that she has everything that she has ever needed-

- that jarron is doing well- i miss him like crazy, but i am so proud of him!

okay- the list could go on and on- but you get the point-


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